• Academic Advisor: An Academic Advisor is a faculty or department staff member who provides direction and support to students throughout their education. Academic advisors provide guidance on issues that students may need during course selection, such as course contents and career goals related to the department. Students can submit their petitions to a higher board, with the approval of their academic advisors, for decisions such as approval of course registration, changing/freezing schools. For this reason, it can be said that academic advisors are people with whom we need to interact on many issues throughout the education period..
  • Academic Calendar: It is a calendar listing Sabancı University's academic events and important dates. The academic calendar includes course registration periods, exam dates, holidays and other important events. Students can plan course registration periods, exam dates and other important dates by following the academic calendar. The academic calendar is generally arranged in the order of Fall-Spring-Summer semesters. It contains a lot of information such as Erasmus applications after the first semester, add/drop period, end-of-term grade entry dates. You can use the mySU application or to access the academic calendar.
  • Academic Reputation: It is the level of reputation and recognition associated with the academic achievements, research activities and institutional reputation of Sabancı University, students and graduates. Academic reputation reflects the quality and prestige of the university.
  • Adaptation Program: It is a program organized for students transferring to Sabancı University. The adaptation program is designed to determine the equivalence of students' previous courses with Sabancı University courses and to meet program requirements. It is the process of counting courses at the university you have previously studied or graduated from. It is held every academic semester, between the dates announced in the calendar. To get detailed information about the process, you can contact us by sending an e-mail to
  • Add/Drop Period: Add/Drop Period is a certain period during which students can make changes in their course selections. This usually occurs at the beginning of each semester or during the course registration process. Students can add or remove courses, change grade levels, or swap courses. You can follow mySU in similar weeks with course selections for the Add/Drop period or check the announcements made on the Sabancı University website.
  • ASP/ADP: ASP, known as the "Academic Support Program", is a support program offered by Sabancı University for undergraduate students. ASP provides support to students in improving their academic skills, using effective learning strategies, time management and improving study habits. This program aims to help students improve their success.


  • Bannerweb: "Banner Web" is Sabancı University's student information system. Students can perform a number of transactions via Banner Web, such as course selection, department declaration, course substitution or course withdrawal, access transcript information, check tuition payments and update their personal information. In addition, students and academic staff can access information such as course schedules, exam calendar and academic announcements via Banner Web. You can click on to review the site and perform transactions.


  • Career Office: It is a center that provides support to students regarding career planning, the job finding process, internship opportunities and connections with employers. The Career Center supports students in preparing for the business world and achieving their career goals. If you would like to benefit from this opportunity at our university, you can visit and get support by making an appointment from experts working in the field you are interested in through the site.
  • CEKIRDEK: Sabancı University Entrepreneurship Ecosystem Center. For detailed information, you can use
  • Course Catalog: Course Catalog is a list of courses offered by Sabancı University. The course catalog includes course descriptions, course codes, credit hours, instructors and semester information. Students can select relevant courses and make their academic plans using the course catalogue. You can access the courses offered at our university at and evaluate how the courses may meet your needs via the Faculty Compliance Request Form on Banner Web.
  • Course Substitution: The term "Course Substitution" refers to students replacing a specific course with an alternative course to meet program requirements. Students, in cooperation with their advisors, can have the grade of a new course they took replace their old grade, provided that no more than 3 semesters have passed since the grade they received with a low grade.


  • Degree Evaluation Form: The "Degree Evaluation Form" is a form used to track coursework and other academic requirements that students must complete to meet graduation requirements. This form helps students track their progress and ensure they meet all requirements for graduation. Students and their advisors work together on the Degree Evaluation Form to create the student's graduation plan. To access the form, you can access it from your own Banner Web page.
  • Dual Native Language Program: This program provides students with the opportunity to learn and use a language other than their mother tongue at an academic level. For example, if the student is a native speaker of Turkish, he/she can choose English or another language as a dual native language. These courses help the student improve their language skills and use a different language in an academic environment. A bilingual program can provide students with great advantages in terms of cultural diversity, communication skills and international cooperation.


  • Education Evaluation Surveys: These are surveys offered to Sabancı University students to evaluate the quality of courses and lecturers. Educational Evaluation Surveys allow students to evaluate course experiences, teaching methods, evaluation processes, and instructors' performance by providing feedback. The feedback provided aims to increase the benefits received from the services provided to students in administrative and academic terms and to improve the activities.
  • English Language Assessment Exam (FDY): English Language Assessment Exam, also known as "FDY" (Foundation Development Year), is an exam used to evaluate the English language skills of students at Sabancı University. This exam is applied to determine the English language level of students and to provide a language support program suitable for their academic success. The FDY program is an educational process designed to increase English language proficiency and prepare for university-level courses. You can find more detailed information about the courses offered and evaluation processes at
  • Erasmus: Erasmus is a program run by the European Union (EU) and was created to promote student and staff exchange between European universities. Universities in Turkey, such as Sabancı University, can also take part in this program. The Erasmus program offers students, postgraduates and university staff the opportunity to study abroad at another European university. In this way, students experience different cultures, learn new languages, gain academic knowledge and experience, establish international connections and support their personal development. Within the scope of the Erasmus program, students can usually take courses at another European university for one or two semesters and the credits of these courses are transferred to their home universities. Thus, students can both gain international experience and fulfill their graduation requirements by including the credits of the courses they took abroad into their academic programs.


  • FASS: Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences (also known as SSBF)
  • FENS: Faculty of Engineering and Natural Sciences (Also known as MDBF)
  • Final Exam: It is an exam held at the end of the semester and plays a major role in the evaluation of a course. Final exams aim to evaluate students' understanding of course materials, demonstration of their knowledge, and overall achievement.
  • Foundations Development Year (FDY): It is a program offered to students to improve their English language skills. The English Preparatory Program helps students acquire the necessary language skills before starting their university education.


  • Gazete SU: It is a newspaper published by Sabancı University. Newspaper SU delivers on-campus news, event announcements, interviews and other content to employees and students. It is usually available online or distributed in print. You can reach Gazete SU at
  • GPA (Grade Point Average): Grade Point Average is a calculation system based on the grades of the courses taken by the student. GPA is calculated as the weighted average of grades and reflects the student's academic success.
  • Gürsel SU Card Filling System: Gürsel card is a multi-purpose identity and payment card used for Sabancı University students and staff. This card is used to pay for some services on campus. Gürsel Card Refill System is a system used for students or employees to load their cards and check their card balances. To top up your card, you can click on Gürsel Card Filling System via mySu or on the link



  • ​​​​Health Center: It is the health center of Sabancı University. The Health Center provides health services to students and employees. These services include general health examinations, emergency assistance, health counseling, psychological-psychiatric support, vaccinations, medication distribution and health education. To get detailed information, you can write to or go to the Health Center facility located in the dormitories area of ​​our campus.


  • Information Center (IC): It is the main library of Sabancı University. The Central Library is a center where students and academics can conduct research, access resources and find study spaces. Many activities such as interviews and workshops are carried out within the center during the period. The Information Center, where you can benefit from various workshops and group study rooms as well as electronic resources that can be accessed online from outside the campus, is open 24/7 in the fall and spring semesters. You can use the link to access the studies and contents.
  • Internship: It is the study period in which students have the opportunity to put the theoretical knowledge they have acquired during their education into practice and gain professional experience. Internships give students real-world experience and help shape their career goals.
  • İnci Aral Laboratory


  • KASA: Center for Conceptual and Social Research


  • Machinery Manufacturing and Automation Laboratory
  • Major/Minor: Major/Minor Field is a discipline in which students want to specialize or learn in depth. Major represents the discipline on which the student focuses, while Minor allows the student to specialize in a related field with a smaller number of courses.
  • MINERVA: Minerva Observation and Research Center
  • Minor: A minor offers the opportunity for in-depth study in another academic field in addition to the student's major. Students can also study a subject they are interested in outside of their major and specialize in that field. In this way, students can establish connections between different disciplines, acquire a wide range of knowledge and have more diverse career opportunities.
  • MYO: Vocational School
  • mySU: mySabancı University (mySU) is an online platform provided to Sabancı University students and staff. Students can access course registrations, grades, program requirements, financial transactions, and other important information. They can also choose courses, check their exam results and contact their academic advisors via mySU. Although there is detailed information on the website, the application contains limited information that is frequently needed. You can download the mySU application, where you can follow announcements on many subjects and access school systems, to your iOS or Android device using the app store or Google Play.


  • Nanotechnology Laboratory


  • Objection: It refers to students' right to object to grades or evaluation results. Students may submit a complaint regarding the evaluation process or request a re-evaluation of grades if necessary.
  • Özgür Murat Büyük Defense Systems Research Center


  • PURE (Program for Undergraduate Research): PURE is a program that provides opportunities for undergraduate students to participate in research projects. This program encourages students to develop their research skills, collaborate with faculty, and work on original research projects. To get information about the pure program, which is recurring in all three terms and can be very developmental, you can visit or send an e-mail to


  • Rectorate Building: Sabancı University Rectorate


  • Sabancı University ID Card: It is a card that provides students with their identity and access to campus services. Sabancı University ID Card is used for campus entrances, library access, sports facilities use, cafeteria payments and other campus services.
  • SASS: Sabancı University Sustainable Systems Research Center
  • SBS (Sabancı Bussines School): Since its former name was Faculty of Management, it is also known as FMAN.
  • Scholarship: It is financial aid that provides financial support and is given to successful students. Sabancı University offers various scholarship and financial aid programs to students depending on their academic success or financial situation. To get more detailed information about scholarships, you can visit or contact authorized persons via e-mail address
  • SCI: Sabancı University Multidisciplinary Research Center
  • SGM: Sabancı University Performance Center
  • SIA: Sabancı University Center for Advanced Studies
  • SL: It is also called the School of Languages ​​Preparatory Building.
  • Sport Center
  • SSBC: Sabancı University Social Entrepreneurship and Sustainability Center
  • SSM: Sakıp Sabancı Museum
  • Student Clubs: They are student communities where Sabancı University students come together according to their interests. Student clubs organize academic, cultural, social and sporting events and provide opportunities for students to explore their interests and make social connections.
  • Student Council: It is a student body where Sabancı University students are represented. The Student Council aims to express students' opinions, solve problems and organize various events.
  • Student Resources (ÖK or SR): It is an office that manages the academic and administrative procedures of students. Student Resources handles student registration, transcript processing, course scheduling, scholarship applications, graduation applications and other student-related transactions. You can reach student resources via the e-mail address or by clicking to get more detailed information on the topics you can get support for.
  • SU Course: It is the abbreviation of "Sabancı University Course Management System" (SU Course), which is a course management system used at Sabancı University. This system provides students with access to course-related materials, assignments, exams and communications. Lecturers can also manage course content and interact with students through this platform.
  • Su Form: This term, also known as "SU Form", refers to an electronic form system that Sabancı University students use to complete various transactions. This system allows students to carry out procedures such as orientation, military service, and school suspension online. You can access Su Form via the mySU application.
  • SUCool: SUCool also known as Sabancı University Start-up Company League
  • Summer High School: It is a program organized by Sabancı University and offers high school students a university experience during the summer months. High School Summer School includes lectures, workshops, seminars and social events, usually held over a four-week period. This program offers high school students the opportunity to gain experience in different academic fields, experience university life, and explore the campus environment.
  • SUNUM Nanofabric: Nanofabrication facility located within Sabancı University Nanotechnology Research and Application Center
  • SUNUM: Sabancı University Nanotechnology Research and Application Center
  • Syllabus: Syllabus or Course Curriculum is a document that describes the content, teaching methods, assessment methods and objectives of a course. Students can obtain information about course content, assignments and exams by following the course schedule.


  • The Foundations Development Program (FDP): Also called Freshman. It is the first year where common courses of the entire university are taken. The courses taken this semester are designed to ensure that students graduate from our institution not only in their own fields, but also with scientific and cultural values ​​in many different fields as university graduates. In this way, students can socialize more easily at the university, meet people from different departments, improve themselves in terms of general knowledge, and gain a broader perspective on the departments they will study.
  • Transcript: It is the name given to the document that contains an official record of the student's academic performance and course completion. The transcript contains information such as the courses taken by the student, the grades of these courses, credits, semester or total cumulative grade point averages. This document is an important reference that shows whether the student has met graduation requirements, their academic success, and their interests.


  • Undergraduate Project: It is a research project that undergraduate students must complete before graduation. The undergraduate project aims to enable the student to work independently on a specific subject and develop research skills.


  • Withdrawal: The term "withdrawal" refers to when a student drops or cancels a course for which he or she is enrolled. The student may withdraw before completing the course, in which case it will be marked "W" (Withdrawal) on the course transcript. Withdrawal can usually be done within a specific date range and allows students to update their academic planning. You can check the Withdrawal dates each semester in the Academic Calendar or learn from mySU announcements.